The BargainOne month ago, Tropical Storm Helene rained down hell on the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. The mountains I was born in, the…Oct 30, 2024Oct 30, 2024
Oppose Darkness. No Matter the Cost.Tonight, when the last polls finally close, we may not know who the President-elect of the United States will be right away. What we will…Nov 3, 2020Nov 3, 2020
Why I’m Voting for Bernie SandersI am a white evangelical male in his early 30s that identifies as socially conservative. I am pro-life and troubled by the cultural forces…Mar 3, 2020Mar 3, 2020
The Best Film of 2019 is ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters’There are two things that you need to know.Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Buy a Ticket, Go See Godzilla: KOTMI told a friend the other day that I can’t recall a time in my life when I did not love Godzilla. Big G has been with me from some of my…May 30, 2019May 30, 2019
5 Essential Godzilla FilmsIf you follow me on Twitter, or really know me at all, it will come to no great shock to you that I am straight up jazzed about the new…May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
Remembering Aileen StanleyMy name is Matthew Metcalf, I am one of Aileen Blackwell Stanley’s 11 grandchildren. We are here today to honor the life and legacy of my…Feb 19, 2019Feb 19, 2019
Election Day 2016: Final ThoughtsI am a white 28 year old evangelical male who is pro-life, conservative, and a life-long Southern Baptist; according to many pollsters I…Nov 8, 2016Nov 8, 2016
The Transgender Bathroom Debate is Escalating. How Should Christians Respond?The New York Times just released an article detailing the Obama administrations plan to roll out a sweeping directive to all public school…May 13, 2016May 13, 2016
Thoughts From SeminaryMy wife Danielle and I have been living in Louisville, KY for over a year now so that I can attend classes on campus at The Southern…Apr 3, 2016Apr 3, 2016